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JPS uses a highly interactive and customized approach to Instructor-led Training (ILT). Our learning strategies include case studies, exercises, and role play that provide a learn-by-doing environment.

U.S. Department of State (DOS) – JPS developed a 'Train the Trainer' workshop for foreign instructors who deliver the workshop to Import/Export officers in their own countries. The four-day workshop was focused on developing trainers' presentation skills. The presentation was followed by practical exercises, where each participant (foreign instructor) imparted different modules and received feedback from the instructor.

U.S. Department of State (DOS), Office of Antiterrorism Assistance (ATA) – JPS produced two, two-week courses. The first course focused on the prevention of attacks on the soft targets. Participants learned the strategies and attack methods used by terrorists and how to mitigate such threats. The participants learned how to apply the concepts by visiting assigned soft targets and preparing vulnerability assessment reports on the facilities. The second course focused on teaching surveillance detection to the American security personnel at U.S. embassies. This course combined presentations with interactive tabletop and practical exercises. Practical exercises were conducted at a facility where actors were hired to perform specific roles. Team discussions/debriefs followed the tabletop and practical exercises.

Instructor-Led Training
25th Anniversary Seal